Business of Strength

Building strength through systems within your fitness business.

This program is for strength coaches and personal trainers who are looking to develop their business skillset. Throughout this program you will build business systems and create the mindset needed to dissipate the frustration and stress that comes from running a business without systems. For just $550, the average price of just 1 personal training session per week for 5 weeks, you will learn the skills necessary to systemise you business operations and create a feeling of freedom within your career choice.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Overview and Key Content

    • 0.1 - Introduction to Business of Strength

    • 0.2 - Setting Expectations - 3 Pillars to Success

    • Additional Content - Week 1

    • Additional Content - Week 2

    • Additional Content - Week 3

  • 2

    Module 1 - Introspective Business Analysis and Self Awareness Practice

    • 1.1 - 3-6 Month Business Reflection

    • 1.2 - SWOT Analysis

    • 1.3 - OKR's - Objectives and Key Results

  • 3

    Module 2 - Understanding your Business Model

    • 2.1 - Introduction to Business Models

    • 2.2 - Defining your Target Market

    • 2.3 - Defining your Mission

    • 2.4 - Outlining your Service Model

    • 2.5 - Understanding your Value Ladder

  • 4

    Module 3 - Personal Finance Systems

    • 3.1 Module 3+4 Outline

    • 3.2 - Business Finance System Outline

    • 3.3 - Personal Finance Budget

    • 3.4 - Determine Your Wage

    • 3.5 - Personal Finance System

  • 5

    Module 4 - Business Finance Systems

    • 4.1 - Revenue

    • 4.2 - Operating Expenses

    • 4.3 - Profit

    • 4.4 - Tax, GST, Super

    • 4.5 - Business Finance System

    • 4.6 - End of Month Finance Review

  • 6

    Module 5 - Creating Front End Systems

    • 5.1 - Defining the Front and Back End

    • 5.2 - Outlining the Client Journey

    • 5.3 - Building Onboarding Systems

    • 5.4 - Client Education Systems

    • 5.5 - Online Coaching and Online Systems

  • 7

    Module 6 - Creating Back End Systems

    • 6.1 - Key Performance Indicators

    • 6.2 - Making Sense of Marketing and Sales

    • 6.3 - Marketing Strategy

    • 6.4 - Reframing Sales

    • 6.5 - Lead Nurturing and Lead Harvesting

Watch Intro Video

Previous Student - Bec Potalej

Owner of Lioness Performance


  • Who is this program for?

    Strength coaches and personal trainers who are unsure how to develop their business skillsets. If you don’t pay yourself a wage or unsure what your profit margins are - this program is for you. If you are scared from the concept of marketing and don't want to be a sleezy sales person - this program is for you. If you do not have a set on boarding systems for new clients or a way to manage potential clients - this program is for you. If you don’t track any KPIs within your business or don’t know which KPIs to track - this program is for you.

  • How much does the program cost?

    Once off payment of $550. The average price of 1x 1on1 session per week for 5 weeks.

  • When does the program start?

    Once you register, you can start the program at any time!

  • How exactly will this help me?

    This program is designed to provide you the toolbox needed to build an actual business, not a pseudo-business. A pseudo-business has no systems, no direction, no understanding of how to grow, no finance management, no nothing. A pseudo-business is 1-2 bad months away from ceasing to exist. This program will give you the tools to build a business that supports you, the owner, throughout your career.

  • How is the program delivered?

    The program is delivered through a series of pre-recorded lectures. These can be played back and watched as many times as needed. Alongside these lectures are a series of activities that will help you build systems within your business. There are also walkthroughs and 'how tos' for each activity using real life fitness business examples.

  • Is there a facebook group for questions, discussion and community?

    Yes, and it will be filled with business owners in the exact same position, working through the same process of development as you. Plenty of learning and discussions to be had.

  • How long do I get access to the content?

    You will have access to the lectures for a lifetime, however, with proper execution and implementation of the weekly activities, you should only need to watch the content once.

Watch Intro Video

Previous Student - Angus Bradley

Personal Trainer and Hypherformance Podcast Host

Additional Learning Resources

Alongside the pre-recorded modules, students also get access to:

  • Task Tracking Workbook

    Throughout the course you will be expected to follow along with weekly actionable items. These activities are tracked through the respective workbooks. At the completion of Business of Strength you will have created a complete business/ service model to develop direction and freedom with your business.

  • Access for a Lifetime

    Once purchased, you will have lifetime access to all materials. This will include any additional content that is created/ added to the course at later dates/ intakes.

  • Facebook Community

    All current and previous students within Business of Strength are added to an exclusive Facebook community. Once you have registered you can join this private group of like minded business owners in the industry to discuss business and growth.

I am ready to build my business!

This program is the average price of just 5x 1on1 session per week for 5 weeks.

Watch Intro Video

Previous Student - Trey Morrison

Owner of The Strength Compound, USA

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